Sunday 29 November 2009

Aimless Meandering

Well as the description under the title says (or said, I may change it) this blog will act as my "learning log" for my OCA creative writing course "Starting to Write".

When I figure out exactly what I should be posting here, I may add something.

Until then, lets just see if it works or not


  1. Hello Colin - thanks for visiting my blog. I did starting to write - oh it seems along time ago; great course though.

    I'd say the best thing to do with a blog as learning log is not to make it too pretty, or be precious about it in any way. I wrote a post in November about sketchbooks that touches on this. Some of the early posts in blog 2007 were more of a diary too.

    George Orwell's diaries are also being published - day by day - online; they are interesting too.

    Feel free to contact me if you want any thoughts on STW

  2. Small point - but making comments visible after approval will reduce your readership. Not sure why - it just does. In three years blogging I've never had a comment that I've wanted to delete
