Monday 7 December 2009

Poetry Horrors

Exercise 5.1, spent half an hour on a piece of early freewriting about cornish holidays, and ended up with a 6 line poem of dubious quality absolutely flooded with alliteration, five examples and one example of assonance is perhaps a touch excessive.

On the plus side, I managed to keep away from rhyme, which I dislike, and still instilled a sense of rhythm into the piece, so overall I'm reasonably happy with this first attempt. I'm not however going to reveal it anytime soon.

Exercise 5.2 was a further development of the challenges set by exercise 5.1. This time I used as the base point the final draft of exercise 4.4, and worked for about 40 minutes wearing away the 400 or so words until I was left with just 23

Whilst alliteration and assonance again made their presence felt, their usage was of a more appropriate nature which did not completely overpower the draft.

Once again I avoided rhyme, and ended up with a piece with a very similar rhythm to that in the first exercise.


  1. Rather you than me - can't do poetry very well at all

  2. I have confirmed that about myself too :)
